User surveys reveal that incontinence care is the key to healthy senior living!
What is the real relationship between healthy senior living and incontinence care?
Unicharm surveyed 1,237 people (582 men and 655 women) suffering from incontinence issues about their daily lives. The results indicated that proper incontinence care changes lives. Read on to learn more!
Proper incontinence care can bring people together and foster active communication.
Our survey revealed that people who use incontinence care products interact more with the world and more readily communicate with others.
Interact with people on a daily basis.
Joining some kind of community
People who use incontinence care products were more likely to report that they interact with people on a daily basis, and that they participate in some kind of community.
Incontinence issues can cause people to withdraw and stop communicating with anyone other than those closest to them, but proper care can make it easier to get out, which in turn fosters active communication.
People who use incontinence care products also communicate more readily with family and friends.
What people spend time doing: Communicating with family and friends
Going out, traveling, enjoying hobbies and leisure activities, learning new things, and being social are all important aspects of a fulfilling life, but communicating with family and friends is one of the most fundamental ways to live healthier and happier.
Our survey revealed that people who use incontinence care products spend more time engaged in communication.
Life quality satisfaction is also higher in people who use incontinence care
To have healthy senior life, it is important to follow “3 principles of health” which are “well balanced diet”, “decent exercise” and “enough sleep” recommended in Health Japan 21 project conducted by Ministry of Health and Labor of Japan.
You have to also count “Well-being as yourself” as crucial benchmark because it is the whole point of healthy senior living.
Focusing on life satisfaction in our survey, people with incontinence care scores higher rate as final result.
We found that the right incontinence care helps people get out in the world and communicate more, which in turn helps them enjoy life more.